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Chartered on 11/15/18

Lake Elsinore, California; Serving the Western and Southwestern portion of Riverside County, California


Chapter History
The Omega Mu Nu Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated was chartered on November 15, 2018 in Lake Elsinore, CA. Consistent with the noble Founders, a vision was brought to fruition to provide service within the surrounding areas of Western and Southwestern Riverside County along the interstate 15 corridor. The chapter’s inception was spearheaded by Brothers Nicholas Thompson, Dr. Charles Moore, and Dr. Alondo (AC) Campbell, who as active members of the Pi Rho Chapter in San Bernardino/Riverside in 2010, discussed plans and set goals to create another chapter within the massive region. They were later joined by twelve other Omega Men to charter Omega Mu Nu Chapter. This band of fifteen Brothers have individually and collectively held-up the principles of Omega.


They immediately responded to the need of service in an area absent of Omega men. All members live by improving community relations that begins with respect among brotherhood demonstrated by interactions with each other and cultivating the fullness of friendships within the chapter as a priority.


They are enthusiastic about creating long-term partnerships with community groups and other Omega chapters. This will allow the chapter to advance self-sustaining efforts that promote increased scholarship and school performance among students within chapter service area.

Their aspirations include developing an environment whereby all new or reclaimed members are supported and encouraged to live fully by all four cardinal principles - Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance, and Uplift. Finally, preparing every member to serve as leaders.


The Charter Members are Michael Dorsey, Harold Hutchison, Dr. Mel Palmer, Nicholas Thompson,
Jonathan Smith, Dr. Chuck Moore, Jr., Dr. AC Campbell, Todd Martin, Vance Jackson, Sr., James Noble,
Maurice Smith, Vance Jackson, Jr., James Williams, Sylvester House, Jr., and DeWitte Mandley.

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